Development of a long-term marketing strategy
Client: IN-Person Corporate
Having a goal of development in market niche of well-being of labor resources of business, company requested solution to such key marketing tasks:
- expending of the number of clients and their diversification;
- expending of selling of the extra service to existing clients;
- increase in loyalty of clients.
Our experts have conducted a series of consulting meetings with the customer and, using results of the previous research of the local market, created a marketing strategy, which included:
- Vision and values of the business
- Positioning
- Analysis of the world’s trends
- Products and services
- Portraits of the target audience
- Analysis of the competing environment
- Communication strategy
Specifically on the communication strategy we made the biggest accent in this project, as it is very important for the company to hold contact with its clients everywhere, in relevant segments of the digital space also.
Currently our consultants are helping to implement this strategy in real life.