Sociological research

Sociological research is carried out to study processes, phenomena and problems of a social nature, namely: the characteristics of people’s behavior in different situations, in different cultural environments, the formation of public opinion, attitudes towards various organizations and phenomena of social life, the population’s awareness of something, everyday practices of different population groups, values and norms, distribution of roles in the family and much more.

Sociological research can be fundamental or applied. Basic research describes social relationships and patterns. The results of fundamental research are used to build a strategy for solving serious social problems and to gain a deep understanding of the causes of a particular phenomenon. Applied research is aimed at studying specific objects and solving problems at the level of individual small groups of people.

Basic methods of sociological research

  1. Quantitative surveys
  2. Qualitative interviews
  3. Desk research
  4. Exit poll
  5. Focus groups
  6. Experiment
  7. Observation

In our work, we adhere to the principle of compliance with the Code of Professional Ethics of Sociologists (approved by the fifth congress of the Sociological Association of Ukraine on May 20, 2004 in Kyiv).

We use all analytical methods, namely: correlation, regression, factor, cluster, discriminant analysis, time series, construction of neural networks and decision trees, etc.

Our Projects